About Us
We don’t just offer a destination, we deliver an experience. Sun Splash Tours is dedicated to facilitating fun and exciting experiences to the student market. Founded in 1987 with a vision: to provide students with quality travel to exotic locations at affordable prices.
Tour Perks
We offer the best perks in the industry, including: best price, monthly payment plans, an early sign-up incentive, All Access parties and events, 24 hour service on site, flexible flight times, multiple night package options, and much more.
Travel for Free
Simply gather a group of 16 passengers for Spring Break and you “Travel Free”. You can even earn commission on additional sales or offer substantial discounts to your friends. You send us the names, we do the rest.
Local Guides
Want the latest on local events, deals, and info? See our Local Guides page with curated deals, guides, and suggestions. Why not hear testimonials from other happy travellers, too?
Cool Jobs
Are you interested in travel? Good with people? If so, Sun Splash Tours may have a position for you. We are looking for people who are self starters, outgoing and have the ability to be a contributing factor to our team of motivated travel professionals.